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Aging Gracefully: Necessary Vitamins for Women Over 50

vitamins for women over 50

Marc Kaplan |

Over 50% of Americans take vitamins or supplements. 

However, do you actually know which vitamins you need to be taking and what they do for your health? 

As women age, we need to introduce different vitamins into our diets. Here are some of the crucial vitamins for women over 50 and how they can help you. 

1. Vitamin D Comes from Sunning Yourself

Vitamin D helps keep your bones, muscles, and teeth in healthy, working order. Without the right amount of vitamin D, you could experience conditions such as osteomalacia.

However, a lack of vitamin D has also been linked to other health concerns such as hair loss, muscle pain, backache, impaired healing of wounds, and even mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. 

Unfortunately, it's difficult to get enough vitamin D naturally, especially during the winter. This is because to get vitamin D, you need to get some sunlight onto your bare skin.

During the cold winter months, there's no one that wants to go outside without a thick coat! 

The only real way of ensuring you're getting enough vitamin D is to take it in a supplement form. Make sure to speak to your nutritionist before upping your dose. 

2. Magnesium Improves Sleep

Magnesium regulates your nerve and muscle function, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. As a result, women who get enough magnesium are much less likely to have type 2 diabetes. 

But, this isn't the only benefit that getting the right amount of magnesium brings.

You will also find that your sleep is much improved, your heart is healthier, you aren't constipated as often and you may find that you get stressed far less often.

It is recommended that a woman over 50 should get 320 milligrams of magnesium. A few sources of magnesium are: 

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Avocados 
  • Fruits
  • Nuts and seeds (especially sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds)
  • Seafood 

Not eating these foods regularly enough? It might be time to consider a supplement.

However, it's important to realize that a balanced diet is very important in keeping yourself healthy. Try adding a few of these foods into your diet today.

3. Omega-3 Reduces Risk of Dementia

If you're eco-conscious, it's likely that you are vegetarian or vegan as this diet is the biggest thing you can do to reduce your impact on the planet. 

However, it does often mean that you need to pay attention to the vitamins you're missing out on now you're not eating meat. 

One such example is omega-3. This vitamin reduces your risk of a heart attack as it improves your cardiovascular health. It is also great for reducing your risk of depression, arthritis, and even dementia. 

Oily fish isn't the only way to get omega-3. In fact, you can also get this vitamin from seaweed, algae, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, kidney beans, and flaxseeds. 

If you're concerned that you're not getting enough omega-3, speak to a nutritionist! 

4. Iron is Especially Needed by Menstruating Women

Do you suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding every month? If so, you may need to begin taking iron supplements. 

Iron keeps blood healthy and increases how many red blood cells we have. Again, if you're a vegetarian, you need to keep a careful eye on your iron levels. But, really everyone should be doing this. 

There is iron abound in meat, fish, and eggs. But, if you don't eat any of these, you can also find iron in spinach (remember Popeye?), other leafy greens, seeds, and nuts. 

If you get your iron levels just right, you may be amazed by how energized you begin to feel. Iron helps reduce fatigue and when you're in your 50s, that's pretty helpful!

When you reach your 50s, you'll need around 8mg of iron every day if you're no longer menstruating. If you are, this should be increased to 18mg.  

5. Folate is a Necessary B Vitamin

Wondering why you need folate? It's essential in making up your genetic material and DNA! You're likely now very tempted to make sure you're getting enough folate in your diet!

But, where do we get folate from? Yet again, the answer is leafy greens, spinach, sprouts, green beans, potatoes, and cereals. 

Women who have been pregnant will know all about folic acid as it's a supplement which is recommended before and during pregnancy

However, it's also important for women in their 50s to have enough folate in their diet. By consuming the right amount, you will feel more energetic and are less likely to suffer from heart palpitations.

6. Vitamin B12 is Important for Vegans to Remember

If you're lacking in either folate or vitamin B12, your body will produce large red blood cells which don't properly function. 

Vitamin B12 makes your nervous system perform and keeps your brain healthy. Unfortunately for vegans, it is mainly found in meat, fish, dairy, and eggs.

But most vegans are asked on a regular basis "where do you get your B12 from?" As a result, vegans are often getting more of a sufficient amount of B12 than a meat eater is!

If you've recently been experiencing hallucinations, confusion or agitation, it may be time to speak to your doctor about your vitamin B12 intake. They will be able to provide you with a vitamin B12 or multivitamin that can help. 

Do You Know the Most Important Vitamins for Women Over 50?

After reading this article you should be more aware of the vitamins you need to take. Vitamins for women over 50 are important as they keep you healthy and strong. 

If you're now worried that your diet is lacking in the right vitamins, make a change and start looking at how you can implement more leafy greens and nuts. 

Then, speak to your doctor and even a nutritionist to ensure you're taking the right multivitamin or supplement to keep your body healthy. 

Need a few more ideas on how to boost your brain? Check out the top five best brain boosters in this article. 


Vitamin D in health and disease

Beneficial Effects of Magnesium Supplementation

Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and healthy ageing

Iron Deficiency and Fatigue in Adolescent Females with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Importance of folate in human nutrition