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Things You Need To Know About Diabetes

Aaron Alfson |

It is estimated that the number of people with diabetes will actually rise over the next twenty years - in fact, it is estimated that the number of people who have to live with this illness will double by the year 2040. 

Lucky for us, the improvements in treatment and technology will also rise exponentially - we have, after all, come so far already. It’s hard to believe that even the ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks knew about this disease. 

They were able to diagnose it by tasting a patient’s urine - this is how the term diabetes mellitus was formed. Mellitus means honey, and a diabetes patient’s urine was unusually sweet to the taste.

The correlation between complications and proper blood sugar control wasn’t discovered until the 1920s. This is still within some people’s living memory - which makes it a historical blink of an eye. 

Putting the ancient times behind us, we can gladly turn to the modern day. Diabetes care has truly come a long way. We are able to offer not only nutritional supplements that will make a diabetic sweet tooth safe and happy but also hygienic single-use blood glucose tests, meters, monitoring systems and more. 

Today, close to 26 million people in America have diabetes. All of these people need daily self-care. If you have diabetes, you are likely to have had a serious conversation or two with your doctor about the best treatment options for you. 

Some people decide on an insulin pump, which although more invasive is a good option for people who don’t want to have a daily injection - or can’t. All you need to do is monitor your blood sugar and calculate how much insulin you need.

Other people might want to opt for injections - even though you have to deal with needles every day, you don’t have to deal with wearing a device all the time. No matter how you live and how active you are, there are diabetes care tools available for you. 

We know a lot more about diabetes, how to prevent it, treat it and care for people afflicted with it. Here are some common facts about diabetes, complications, and prevention factors: 

Infographic Diabetes
