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Wetting the Air: 9 Health Benefits for Using an Air Humidifier

air humidifier

Marc Kaplan |

While some people enjoy the winter months, 64% of people experience dry skin and other problems.

One remedy for dry skin is bringing an air humidifier into your home. If you suffer during the winter and experience other symptoms like respiratory difficulties, having a humidifier might help.

What is An Air Humidifier?

It's hard to imagine humidity does any good - especially in the summer months when it's extremely hot! But the lack of moisture in the air during the winter is exactly what leads to troubling symptoms like dry skin, aggravated allergies, and even furniture problems!

An air humidifier puts moisture back in the air, making these symptoms a bit more manageable. 

9 Benefits of A Room Humidifier

If dry skin, nosebleeds, or even dry coughs plague your winter, a humidifier might be in your future. Here are seven benefits of keeping a humidifier in your home. 

1. Combat Viruses and Bacteria

Winter is a prime time for viruses like influenza to run rampant. Airborne germs and bacteria thrive in dry environments. Dry environments allow them to move more freely through the air.

Increasing the humidity in the home, so the levels above 40% can have a dramatic effect on the mobility of viruses and bacteria. Instead of moving through the air, the moisture level makes them ineffective because they cling to the moisture instead of humans. 

2. Calm Allergy And Asthma Symptoms

Allergy symptoms like coughing can feel even worse in winter because it's cold, and the air is dry. Your throat and nose might become even drier, and more challenging to cough up phlegm.  

A humidifier puts that moisture back in the air, which makes coughing and nose blowing a little less painful and helps unblock nasal passages. 

3. Soothes Dry Skin

Dry skin is not only uncomfortable but when the skin is cracked, germs have easy access to the body. Also, our bodies are made of 70% water, and that water is necessary for the body to function well. Not only can you experience dry skin from a lack of air moisture, but chapped lips and even bloodshot eyes!

Using a humidifier can make the air more palatable and comfortable for your skin. Combine this with applying lotions to dehydrated skin to combat itching and flaking, which worsens dry skin. 

4. Stop Snoring

People with sleep apnea tend to snore at night, making it difficult for those around them to sleep. Besides, those who sleep with their mouths open might snore, and the dryness in the air increases the chances of snoring. 

A humidifier calms a dry and irritated throat, which leads to more sleep for everyone. While running it at night is beneficial, keeping it on during the day will moisten the throat.

5. Give Your Houseplants Some Love

Houseplants work hard, though you don't see it! They work to keep the air purified and boost our moods. 

If you have topical plants hanging around, they need more moisture in the air to thrive, especially in freezing temperatures. Increasing the humidity in your home ensures your plants stay healthy and do their job well. 

6. More Comfort

In the winter, homes may get cold even with a running furnace. Instead of piling on extra layers of clothes and laying underneath blankets, a humidifier may increase the warmth and comfort in your home. 

Adequately moisturized air feels warmer. Using a humidifier might help you cut down on your thermostat bill during the winter, saving you money.

7. Less Static

Static cling is a common occurrence and annoyance during the winter months. Pull any load of laundry out of the dryer and brush your hair, and you'll experience loads of static cling! Dry air is the culprit for causing the extra shock.

A humidifier reduces static in your home and could prevent electrical shocks, which may lead to more significant problems.

8. Healthy Head

Your hair and your scalp also benefit from an air humidifier! The skin on your scalp is likely to become dry and itchy due to the dry air. Your hair also needs additional moisture to feel soft and healthy. Otherwise, it becomes dry and is prone to breakage.

Humidity helps keep the scalp healthy and nourished, and the hair from breaking often. 

9. Sturdy Furniture

Believe it or not, your furniture needs moisture to keep it from aging too quickly, especially wood furniture. Cracking is normal for wood that doesn't get enough moisture. Not only is your furniture at stake, but wooden doors or floors become dry as well. 

A healthy dose of humidity will alleviate the dryness and keep the wood in your home from becoming too dry and breaking. 

Types of Humidifiers

There are several humidifiers on the market, so it may be overwhelming when you first look for one. Here are some examples of humidifiers to consider:

Personal humidifiers are often smaller, portable, and for use in one room. Console humidifiers treat larger spaces.

Steam vaporizers use electricity to generate steam, though there's a risk of burning. If you have small children in your home, stick with an impeller humidifier that uses disks to create heat.

A central humidifier is an option if you wish to add humidity to your entire home because it connects to your AC unit. 

Ultrasonic humidifiers do not use electricity, but vibrations to produce steam. 

Do You Need A Humidifier For Your Home?

Air humidifiers are a great option to keep you comfortable and healthy during the winter. With many options available, you're bound to find something that suits you or your family. 

Do you need parts for your humidifier? Check out our page to see if we have what you're looking for!